Sunday, January 30, 2011

What does Santa do in January?

Aside from celebrating my and Jae's birthdays early in the month, January is a real downer for this Professional Santa. 

First of all I almost always get sick right after Christmas and this year it took me most of my vacation to recover. Next, after being in big demand during November and December nobody really wants to see Santa in January. Add to that, it's back to business as usual on the school bus and this year the whole month was miserably cold.

By this time I'm sure you're wondering if I want some cheese with that "whine"? Not really meaning to complain but it is tough going from full speed to dead stop all at once. The two things that really help are a loving understanding partner and an opportunity to hang out with other Professional Santas. Yesterday Liz and I had lunch with 15 other Santas and their invited guests. A total of 29 people were in attendance. 

We ate BBQ, shared stories and generally just hung out with each other. This group, the Long Leaf Pine Santa's, were formed by me and Santa Cliff Snider early in 2007. 

Professional Santa Clauses work alone during the Christmas Season because, as everyone knows, there is only one Santa. I have always considered Santa a regional franchise with a great amount of latitude as long as you observe the basic rules. (Jolly demeanor, no drinking on or before the job, red suit with fur trim, real beard, real boots, leather belt, you get the idea.) With that being said the most important thing about portraying Santa is knowing everything you possibly can about your character and Christmas. As smart and well trained as I like to think I am, I do not know everything. I can always learn from my Brothers in Red.

Here is a photo from yesterday's event. Would you really trust your kids on one of these laps. Sure you would. By the way, that's me in red. The one with the white beard.

So now you know the answer to a question that you probably never asked. What does Santa do in January? Eat of course! After all we have to stay in shape and round is a shape.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Wrapping up Christmas

Yesterday was January 6th which is the Twelfth Day of Christmas or Epiphany on the Christian calendar. The day the Magi arrived with gifts for the baby. So it really is time to wrap Christmas 2010 up and release the Ghost of Christmas Present for another year. 

To say this was my best year as Santa is an understatement. That statement could easily be supported by the increase in appearances from 2009 to 2010 or from the increase in revenue but the real yardstick I use is simply this: "Did I enjoy myself in my role as the embodiment of St. Nicholas?" The answer has to be a resounding YES!

In the Professional Santa World, especially in times of stress and disagreement, the constant refrain is that we should only do this "For the children." I will readily admit that even though children are the primary beneficiary to what I do, I do this for myself. I can't remember who said it but this has always stuck with me. "The greatest job you can possibly have is one that you get paid for, that you would gladly do for free." That's the way I feel about the work I do as Santa. When a child, or an adult for that matter, lights up when they see me it makes this job worthwhile indeed.

Growing up a chubby kid with glasses has certainly colored the way I see things when I enter a room as Santa. Bullied by boys, snubbed by girls and teased by both because of my appearance makes it bitter sweet that I now get paid for my appearance. 

With all that aside, what are the moments that stand out in my mind about Christmas 2010? Here's my list, in no particular order and yes, I've checked it twice. 
  • Delivering a puppy to a rough and gruff grandpa that insists he didn't want a dog all the time tears are streaming down his face.
  • Riding Shalina's kids around the block in the PT Sleigh with the top down in the bitter cold.
  • Snow at the Greensboro Christmas Parade, warm weather at the Thomasville Parade and all the Cars at the Lilesville Parade.
  • Being pushed around the ice at the Greensboro Coliseum by the Summitt Ice Skating Club in a real sleigh. 
  • Hanging out with Orleans backstage at the LJVM Coliseum.
  • Sitting in the anchor chair on The Good Morning Show Christmas Eve Morning.
  • Appearing as Sinterklaas for a family of Dutch Heritage.
  • Seeing the light balls in Sunset Hills with Liz and Jason in the cold. Again with the top down. 
  • Having co-workers and friends say "Hey didn't I see you on TV?"
and finally
  • Greeting brand new life at Women's Hospital on Christmas Eve. 
The annual gig at Women's Hospital is my gift to Liz and to Greensboro. All parents that want, get a photo of Santa with their newborn. 
It helps remind me that as the world celebrates the birth of a Holy Child, the birth of any child is Holy.

Happy New Year! 
Santa Jac